Real Estate Broker

Don’t be Fooled

2024-02-08T16:26:50-05:00July 15th, 2022|Categories: Real Estate Salesperson, Real Estate Scams|Tags: , , |

There will always be someone who says they can do it cheaper, but at what cost are you willing to take that chance when choosing a Real Estate School provider? Choose a school that specializes in Real Estate Education and not one that benefits from it. You want a school that puts all there focus in their student’s educational needs and has a real life understanding of the real estate industry, not just one sided. Don't be fooled. Price Shop Wisely We have all heard the saying “You get what you pay for” but what is worse is when you don’t [...]

Your Superpower is Your Why

2023-08-02T15:38:48-04:00July 1st, 2022|Categories: Home Inspection, Real Estate, Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Business Tools, Real Estate Salesperson|Tags: , , , , , |

Let’s take a look at two agents. They both started at the same time, and they both received the same training. However, one is doing great while the other is looking for another career. The reason he is looking for a new career is because he has lost his motivation. A deal he put a lot of time in, just fell apart. He is so frustrated and ready to throw in the towel. Your superpower in the real estate business is your why. Starting a new career in Real Estate is exciting. But when the excitement and vision starts to [...]

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