Real Estate Scams

Credit Monitoring: What is it & Should I Get It?

2024-02-08T16:45:10-05:00October 1st, 2022|Categories: Membership, Nmls, Real Estate Business Tools, Real Estate Scams|

Credit has a huge impact on your financial health, just like your income. That explains why it is important to keep a close eye on your credit reports from the major credit bureaus. Although having valid credit information is crucial – credit card fraud and credit reporting inaccuracies can still impact your credit. That’s why credit report monitoring is so important. A quality credit score is one of the most valuable assets a real estate investor or client can have. This resource has the authority to not only retain attractive mortgage and refinancing rates but amplify an investor's negotiating power when [...]

Don’t be Fooled

2024-02-08T16:26:50-05:00July 15th, 2022|Categories: Real Estate Salesperson, Real Estate Scams|Tags: , , |

There will always be someone who says they can do it cheaper, but at what cost are you willing to take that chance when choosing a Real Estate School provider? Choose a school that specializes in Real Estate Education and not one that benefits from it. You want a school that puts all there focus in their student’s educational needs and has a real life understanding of the real estate industry, not just one sided. Don't be fooled. Price Shop Wisely We have all heard the saying “You get what you pay for” but what is worse is when you don’t [...]

Sell Your House For More Money

2024-01-14T10:22:25-05:00November 20th, 2021|Categories: Real Estate, Real Estate Scams|

The joy of transforming a familiar corner of your home into a visually pleasing and contemporary space can be immeasurable. It's like caressing an old canvas with fresh colors, creating a piece of art, inviting appreciation from all corners. Notably, these home improvements can play cupid when it's time to change your address. They can alluringly charm prospective buyers, persuading them into a powerful decision - the purchase. Precisely, these enhancements map the route to a healthier bank balance, all by making to sell your house for more money. Nonetheless, steering through the lanes of home improvements isn't always a financial [...]

The Ethical Agent Always Wins

2024-01-14T09:35:05-05:00November 12th, 2021|Categories: Appraisal, Appraiser Assistant, Approved Continuing Education, Broker, Commercial Real Estate, Continuing Education, Florida Real Estate, Mlo, New Jersey Real Estate, Real Estate, Real Estate Broker, Real Estate Business Tools, Real Estate Salesperson, Real Estate Scams|Tags: , |

In the dynamic drama of the real estate realm, the character of an Ethical Agent often shines the brightest, outperforming others with their torch of integrity and resilience. Two perennial themes that color this character's journey - ethics and fair housing - often steer the course of the Agent's professional saga. Yet the Ethical Agent stands undeterred, honoring the mantra: The Ethical Agent Always Wins! Unraveling the essence of ethical behavior, we unearth a simple conjecture. Connected as closely to the philosophical arena as to commonplace conduct, ethics essentially means doing the right thing, however challenging that may be. It's [...]

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